DRA Exams
DRA Exam - Click here for login
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Debt Recovery Agent Examination SCHEDULE
Date of Exam (Exam Code: 1036): 05-04-2025
Date of Commencement of Application: 28-02-2025
Date of Closure of Application : 17-03-2025
Note: 1. Provision of payment of application fee through Debit card/ Credit card / Internet Banking is available.
Certificate Examination for DRA.
At present Institute is conducting the above examinations in offline mode (paper and pencil). It has been now decided to hold the above 2 examinations in Online Mode as under:
- Certificate Examination for DRA - With effect from August 2015 examinations (May, June & July 2015 examinations will be held in paper and pencil mode)
The Training Institutes/Candidates are requested to note the above.